Zvonko Bogdan – Chardonnay 2019

191,00 kr.

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Chardonay Zvonko Bogdan.

Harvest: 2017

Varietal Composition: Chardonnay

Vineyard location: Radic

Clone: cl 258 D and cl Fr155

Age of vineyard (year of planting): 2011

Area of vineyard for production this label (ha): 5 ha

Yield grape per ha: 7000kg /ha

Annual production bottle this label: 20 000 bottles

Harvest date: 17 September

Aging: Wooden vessels 300 Liters

New / Used oak: 25 % / 75 %

Oak species: French and Hungarian oak

Description of production:

Grapes are harvested in 10 kg box and the harvest is done manually.

Grapes are harvested at the moment of full ripeness.

Pressing is done without crushing the grapes, whole grapes are pressed (as in the champagne region), in order to avoid phenol extraction and get as pure and soft juice as possible. The juice goes to natural sedimentation in stainless steel tanks.

After sedimentation, the pure juice is transferred to wooden vessels 300 L for fermentation. After fermentation, the wine remains on the total yeast sediment for 10 months without racking (battonage method) to improve complexity, fullness, balance. After 10 months aging, we do blending, the wine is bottled and remains in the bottle for at least 6 months before being placed on the market.


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